3 Overnight Beauty Tips To Help You Wake Up Gorgeous

Let’s start with the obvious: You’re getting enough sleep, right? Because that alone will score you maje look-great points. Now that that’s clear, it’s time to start using those eight hours of sleep wisely! Here, three ways to put your precious downtime to work. 

  1. Get rid of bummer under-eye issues

Dark circles and puffy bags can make you look extremely tired and So. Much. Older. (Even if you are tired, you don’t want anyone to know!) How to ditch them? Cucumber—for real! Sure we’ve all seen the cucumber-slices-on-eyes thing in pretty much every ad for facials ever, but it actually works! Cucumber has been traditionally used because it is thought to increase overall circulation, reduce puffiness and lighten dark spots. You can use thick slices of the cucumbers and leave them on for around 15 minutes. Or you can extract the juice by peeling, chopping into large chunks, putting them in a juicer and straining. Apply that directly to your under-eyes with a cotton ball.

Another popular remedy for this problem is to mix equal parts cucumber and lemon juice and apply carefully with cotton ball. Lemon juice contains Vitamin C, which is thought to help lighten the dark color in the under-eye area.

  1. Treat blemishes

Even though we all thought we got to leave behind these nasty things once we headed out of our teen-spirit years, they still show up, always at the exactly wrong moment. Although you might be tempted to pop them, that might just make matters worse. Instead, grab the toothpaste. That’s right, toothpaste! It can help clear your face because many brands contain ingredients such as salicylic acid, sulfur or benzoyl peroxide, which help reduce redness. These anti-inflammatory agents decrease the overall look of the zit as well as dry it out.

Simply put a little bit of toothpaste on the affected area and to keep secure, place a bandaid on top.

  1. Soften lips

Cracking, peeling lips can be so painful. One way to easily soften them is to use a clean toothbrush to gently exfoliate your lips before you head to bed. Just rub the toothbrush gently in a circular motion around both your top and bottom lips. This will help get rid of all that dead skin that can crack and cause serious discomfort. After properly exfoliating, apply a thin layer of shea/coconut oil to your lips to help rehydrate them.

Another way to create supple lips to to use a DIY sugar scrub. To do this, take one tablespoon of brown sugar and mix it with enough honey as it takes to get the sugar to stick together and to create a thick mixture. Every few days, scrub it gently in circular motions around your lips to loosen any dead skin. After doing this, remember to replace the moisture with your favorite lip balm.

Good morning, beautiful!